Tuesday 15 November 2011

Scream Your Way To Rock In India with Vladivar

Metallica may have cancelled the concert, but these Metallica fans didn't cancel their flashmob in an Indian cinema.

After the announcement that the concert had been cancelled, angry fans were seen trying to damage equipment near the stage; some tried to set fire to banners near the stage

However, before Metallica cancelled the concert in India, Vladivar produced a great viral to promote the gig!

Metallica & Vladivar and a theatre full of strangers, what could go wrong? A Vladi Rockin Surprise, that's what! Metallica and Vladivar have teamed up to create a very special promo for the Metallica Rock N India Concert. *SCREAM* to get there! Follow us on www.facebook.com/Befreshed

Vladivar & Metallica Rock in India - Get involved!

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